Source code for eis.features.officers

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pdb
import logging
import yaml
import datetime

from .. import setup_environment
from . import abstract

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    _, tables = setup_environment.get_database()

time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %X"

### Officer labels.
[docs]class LabelSustained(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = "Binary label, 1 if an officer led to a sustained complaint" self.is_label = True self.query = () self.query = ( "UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.feature_column " "FROM ( " " SELECT events_hub.officer_id, CASE WHEN SUM(COALESCE(incidents.number_of_sustained_allegations, 0)) > 0 " " THEN 1 " # " ELSE 0 " # COALESCE here maps NULL values to zero. " END AS sustained_flag from staging.events_hub LEFT JOIN staging.incidents " " ON events_hub.event_id=incidents.event_id " " WHERE events_hub.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date " " WHERE events_hub.event_datetime <= '{3}'::date " " GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table" " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " " AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date, self.to_date))
### Dummy instances of the abstract classes to use as templates.
[docs]class DummyFeature(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Dummy feature for testing 2016 schema") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["DummyFeature"] self.query = ("SELECT officer_id, COUNT(event_type_code) " "FROM events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 4 " "GROUP BY officer_id")
[docs]class DummyCategoricalFeature(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Categorical dummy feature for testing 2016 schema") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officers_hub " " WHERE staging.officers_hub.race_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class TimeGatedDummyFeature(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Dummy time-gated feature for testing 2016 schema") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code=3 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION ))
[docs]class TimeGatedCategoricalDummyFeature(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "absent", 4: "bereavement", 16: "family medical", 23: "leave without pay", 29: "sick non family", 30: "suspension", 31: "suspension without pay", 2: "admin" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Dummy time-gated categorical feature for testing 2016 schema") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_shifts " " WHERE staging.officer_shifts.shift_type_code = {4} " " AND start_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND start_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
# Actual features.
[docs]class ArrestMonthlyVariance(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The variance in the number of arrests an officer has made per month, time-gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.variance " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, variance(count) " " FROM ( " " SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code=3 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id, date_trunc( 'month', event_datetime ) " " ) AS monthlyarrests " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ArrestMonthlyCOV(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The STDDEV/MEAN in the number of arrests an officer has made per month, time-gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.cov " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, " " CASE avg(count) " " WHEN 0 THEN 0 " " ELSE stddev(count) / avg(count) " " END as cov " " FROM ( " " SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code=3 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id, date_trunc( 'month', event_datetime ) " " ) AS monthlyarrests " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DaysSinceLastAllegation(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Days since last allegation") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["DaysSinceLastAllegation"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.days " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, ABS( EXTRACT( DAY FROM MAX( event_datetime - '{2}'::date ) ) ) AS days " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime < '{2}'::date " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format) ) )
[docs]class DaysSinceLastSustainedAllegation(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Days since last sustained allegation") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["DaysSinceLastSustainedAllegation"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.days " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, ABS( EXTRACT( DAY FROM MAX( event_datetime - '{2}'::date ) ) ) AS days " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime < '{2}'::date " " AND final_ruling_code in (1,4,5) " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format) ) )
[docs]class NumberOfShiftsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'absent', 1: 'adjustment', 2: 'admin', 3: 'admin_leave', 4: 'bereavement', 5: 'break', 6: 'bubble', 7: 'canine', 8: 'comp_time', 9: 'court_jury', 10: 'premium', 11: 'mission', 12: 'double', 13: 'excused', 14: 'special', 15: 'outside', 16: 'family_medical', 17: 'holiday', 18: 'ebs', 19: 'training', 20: 'injured', 21: 'kelly', 22: 'doc_pay', 23: 'leave_without_pay', 24: 'light_duty_medical_disability', 25: 'military', 26: 'not_attended_court', 27: 'safer', 28: 'personal', 29: 'sick_non_family', 30: 'suspension', 31: 'suspension_with_pay', 32: 'unallocated', 33: 'vacation', 34: 'work', 35: 'work_holiday', 99: 'other'} abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of shifts of different types aggregated over time") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_shifts " " WHERE staging.officer_shifts.shift_type_code = {4} " " AND start_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND start_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfSuspensionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 'hours_active_suspension': "Active Suspension", 'hours_inactive_suspension': "Inactive Suspension" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of time-gated suspensions by type (active or inactive)") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE incidents.{4} > 0 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class TotalHoursOfSuspensionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 'hours_active_suspension': "Active Suspension", 'hours_inactive_suspension': "Inactive Suspension" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of time-gated suspensions by type (active or inactive)") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.sum " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, sum({4}) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfArrestsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "On view arrest", 1: "Order for Arrest", 2: "Warrant for Arrest", 3: "Non Arrest" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of time-gated arrests by categorical type") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.arrests " " WHERE arrests.arrest_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfArrestsON(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Sunday", 1: "Monday", 2: "Tuesday", 3: "Wednesday", 4: "Thursday", 5: "Friday", 6: "Saturday" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of time-gated arrests by day of week") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.arrests " " WHERE arrests.arrest_day_of_week = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfSuspectsArrestedOfRaceType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of suspects arrested by race type, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.arrests " " WHERE arrests.suspect_race_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfSuspectsArrestedOfEthnicityType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "non_hispanic", 2: "hispanic" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of suspects arrested by ethnicity type, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.arrests " " WHERE arrests.suspect_ethnicity_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
# These are *only* the interventions the stemmed directly from an incident
[docs]class TotalInterventionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Counseling", 2: "Training", 3: "Suspension", 4: "Termination", 5: "Reprimand", 6: "Loss of vacation", 7: "No intervention required" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Total interventions of each type an officer has received as the result of an incident") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE staging.incidents.intervention_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerGender(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "male", 2: "female" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer gender, categorical") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_characteristics " " WHERE staging.officer_characteristics.gender_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAge(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer age in years") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.age " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, extract(day from '{2}'::timestamp - date_of_birth)/365 AS age " " FROM staging.officers_hub" " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerRace(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer race, categorical") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officers_hub " " WHERE staging.officers_hub.race_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerEthnicity(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "non_hispanic", 2: "hispanic" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer ethnicity, categorical") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officers_hub " " WHERE staging.officers_hub.ethnicity_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerRank(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Civilian", 1: "Police Officer Trainee", 2: "Police Officer", 3: "Sergeant", 4: "Master Patrolman", 5: "Captain", 6: "Lietenant", 7: "Police Commander", 8: "Deputy Chief", 9: "Chief of Police" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer Rank") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_roles " " WHERE staging.officer_roles.rank_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerEducation(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "less_than_high_school", 1: "high_school", 2: "some_college", 3: "two_year_degree", 4: "four_year_degree", 5: "graduate_degree" } abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer Education") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_characteristics " " WHERE staging.officer_characteristics.education_level_code = {2} " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class AcademyScore(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Officer's score at the police academy") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["AcademyScore"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{} feature_table " "SET {} = staging_table.score " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, score " " FROM staging.officer_trainings " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name ) )
[docs]class DivorceCount(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of divorces for the officer") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["DivorceCount"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{} feature_table " "SET {} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.officer_marital " " WHERE marital_status_code = 4 " " AND last_modified <= '{}'::date " " GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format) ) ) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class MilesFromPost(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of miles that the officer lives from the post") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["MilesFromPost"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{} feature_table " "SET {} = staging_table.miles_to_assignment " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, miles_to_assignment " " FROM staging.officer_addresses " " WHERE last_modified <= '{}'::date ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format) ) )
############## ## Field interview features ##############
[docs]class NumOfFieldInterviews(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of field interviews within a time window") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
# TODO: This is a little strange -- average hour isn't very meaningful with # transitions around midnight... but it's how 2015 did it.
[docs]class AvgHourOfFieldInterviews(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average hour that field interviews are conducted") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.avg_hour " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, avg(date_part('hour',event_datetime)-12) as avg_hour" " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code = 2 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True # This is also strange, but again, matches 2015
[docs]class ModeHourOfFieldInterviews(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average hour that field interviews are conducted") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.mode " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, mode() within group (order by date_part('hour',event_datetime)-12) as mode" " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code = 2 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfFieldInterviewsByRace(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of field interviews within a time window, by race") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE field_interviews.interviewed_person_race = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfFieldInterviewsByRace(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of field interviews within a time window, by race") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::Float / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(interviewed_person_race) as total, sum((interviewed_person_race = {4})::INT) as count" " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfFieldInterviewsByOutcome(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Arrest", 3: "Ban", 4: "None" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of field interviews within a time window, by outcome") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE field_interviews.field_interview_outcome_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfFieldInterviewsByOutcome(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Arrest", 3: "Ban", 4: "None" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of field interviews within a time window, by outcome") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::Float / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(field_interviews.event_id) as total, sum((field_interview_outcome_code = {4})::INT) as count" " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfFieldInterviewsWithFlag(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 'searched_flag': "Did search", 'drugs_found_flag': "Found drugs", 'weapons_found_flag': "Found weapons" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of field interviews with a particular feature within a time window") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE {4}" " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfFieldInterviewsWithFlag(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 'searched_flag': "Did search", 'drugs_found_flag': "Found drugs", 'weapons_found_flag': "Found weapons" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of field interviews with a search within a time window") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count({4}) as total, sum({4}::INT) as count" " FROM staging.field_interviews " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ArrestCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of arrests an officer has made, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code=3 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class MeanHoursPerShift(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of hours worked on a shift on average") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["MeanHoursPerShift"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{} feature_table " "SET {} = staging_table.avg " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, AVG( EXTRACT( EPOCH from shift_length)/3600 )" " FROM staging.officer_shifts " " WHERE EXTRACT( EPOCH from shift_length)/3600 < 48 " # Discarding tremendous outliers (bad data). " AND stop_datetime < '{}'::date " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format)))
[docs]class SustainedRuleViolations(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of sustained rule violation over time") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["SustainedRuleViolations"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, sum(number_of_sustained_allegations) as count " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class AllAllegations(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of allegations, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, sum(number_of_allegations) as count " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " # the following line must be removed when not-sworn officers are removed. GIANT HACK " AND officer_id IS NOT null " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfIncidentsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'accident', 1: 'appearance', 2: 'bias_or_profiling', 3: 'chain_of_command', 4: 'conditions_of_employment', 5: 'conformance_to_rules', 6: 'courtesy_and_behaviour', 7: 'equipment', 8: 'gift_policy', 9: 'handling_of_civilians', 10: 'harassment_or_intimidation', 11: 'officer_injury', 12: 'promptness_or_absence', 13: 'pursuit', 14: 'quality_of_work', 15: 'raid', 16: 'standard_procedures', 17: 'substance_abuse', 18: 'traffic_laws', 19: 'unknown', 20: 'use_of_force'} abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Incident type categorical feature, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ComplaintToArrestRatio(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Ratio of complaints to arrests and officer has") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.complaintdensity " "FROM ( SELECT num_arrests.officer_id, num_complaints.count/num_arrests.count complaintdensity FROM " "(SELECT events_hub.officer_id, COUNT(events_hub.officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 3 " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by events_hub.officer_id) num_arrests " "full outer join " "(SELECT events_hub.officer_id, COUNT(events_hub.officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "JOIN staging.incidents " "ON events_hub.event_id = incidents.event_id " "WHERE event_type_code in (4,6) " "AND origination_type_code = 2 " "AND events_hub.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND events_hub.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by events_hub.officer_id) num_complaints " "ON num_arrests.officer_id = num_complaints.officer_id " ") AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
#################### ### EIS FEATURES ### ####################
[docs]class TotalEISInterventionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Counseling", 2: "Training", 3: "Suspension", 4: "Termination", 5: "Reprimand", 6: "Loss of vacation", 7: "No intervention required", 8: "Reassignment", 9: "Demotion" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Total interventions of each type an officer has received as a result of an EIS flag") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.department_eis_alerts eis " " WHERE eis.intervention_type = {4} " " AND date_created <= '{2}'::date " " AND date_created >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionEISFlagsWithIntervention(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of EIS flags that required interventions") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) as total, sum((intervention_type != 7)::INT) as count" " FROM staging.department_eis_alerts eis " " WHERE date_created <= '{2}'::date " " AND date_created >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class TotalEISFlagsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'Accident', 1: 'Complaint', 2: 'Injury', 3: 'Pursuit', 4: 'Sick Leave Frequency', 5: 'Sick Leave or Days Off', 6: 'Supv Initiated', 7: 'Use Of Force', 8: 'Combination', 9: 'Other' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Total interventions of each type an officer has received as a result of an EIS flag") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.department_eis_alerts eis " " WHERE eis.event_type = {4} " " AND date_created <= '{2}'::date " " AND date_created >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionEISFlagsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'Accident', 1: 'Complaint', 2: 'Injury', 3: 'Pursuit', 4: 'Sick Leave Frequency', 5: 'Sick Leave or Days Off', 6: 'Supv Initiated', 7: 'Use Of Force', 8: 'Combination', 9: 'Other' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of interventions of each type an officer has received as a result of an EIS flag") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) as total, sum((event_type = {4})::INT) as count " " FROM staging.department_eis_alerts eis " " WHERE date_created <= '{2}'::date " " AND date_created >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyOfficerMilitary(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Whether or not officer has had military experience") self.num_features = 1 self.name_of_features = ["OfficerMilitary"] self.query = ("UPDATE features.{} feature_table " "SET {} = staging_table.military_service_flag " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, military_service_flag::int " " FROM staging.officer_characteristics " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format( self.table_name, self.feature_name ) )
####### ## Extra duty #######
[docs]class TotalOutsideEmploymentHours(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The total number of hours of extra duty the officer has worked (outside employment)") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.sum " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, sum(hours_on_shift) " " FROM staging.officer_outside_employment " " WHERE date_time <= '{2}'::date " " AND date_time >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ComplaintsPerHourWorked(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The rate of complaints per hour worked") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.complaintstohours " "FROM ( SELECT hours_worked.officer_id, num_complaints.count/hours_worked.hours complaintstohours FROM " "(SELECT officer_shifts.officer_id, SUM( EXTRACT( EPOCH from shift_length)/3600 ) hours " "FROM staging.officer_shifts " "WHERE EXTRACT( EPOCH from shift_length)/3600 < 48 " # Discarding tremendous outliers (bad data). "AND stop_datetime < '{2}'::date " "GROUP BY officer_shifts.officer_id) hours_worked " "full outer join " "(SELECT incidents.officer_id, COUNT(incidents.officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "JOIN staging.incidents " " ON events_hub.event_id = incidents.event_id " "WHERE event_type_code in (4,6) " "AND origination_type_code = 2" "AND events_hub.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND events_hub.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by incidents.officer_id) num_complaints " "ON hours_worked.officer_id = num_complaints.officer_id " ") AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class UOFtoArrestRatio(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Ratio of uses of force per arrest ratio, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.uofdensity " "FROM ( SELECT num_arrests.officer_id, num_uof.count/num_arrests.count uofdensity FROM " "(SELECT officer_id, COUNT(officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 3 " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by officer_id) num_arrests " "full outer join " "(SELECT officer_id, COUNT(officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 7 " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by officer_id) num_uof " "ON num_arrests.officer_id = num_uof.officer_id " ") AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfUsesOfForceOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Taser dart or stun", 1: "Firearm", 2: "Canine", 3: "Pepper spray", 4: "Any other use of force" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of uses of force by type, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " WHERE staging.use_of_force.use_of_force_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class CountUOFwithSuspectInjury(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { "false": "False no suspect injured", "true": "True suspect injured" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of uses of force by whether the suspect was injured, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT use_of_force.officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " WHERE staging.use_of_force.suspect_injury is {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY use_of_force.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class SuspectInjuryToUOFRatio(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Ratio of suspect injuries to uses of force that an officer has, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.uofdensity " "FROM ( SELECT num_suspect_injuries.officer_id, num_suspect_injuries.count/num_uof.count uofdensity FROM " "(SELECT use_of_force.officer_id, COUNT(use_of_force.officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.use_of_force " "WHERE staging.use_of_force.suspect_injury is true " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by use_of_force.officer_id) num_suspect_injuries " "full outer join " "(SELECT officer_id, COUNT(officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 7 " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by officer_id) num_uof " "ON num_suspect_injuries.officer_id = num_uof.officer_id " ") AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class CountUOFwithResistingArrest(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { "false": "False suspect did not resist", "true": "True suspect resisted" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of uses of force by whether the suspect resisted arrest, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " WHERE staging.use_of_force.in_response_to_resisting_arrest is {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ResistingArrestToUOFRatio(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Ratio of resisting arrest to uses of force that an officer has, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.uofdensity " "FROM ( SELECT num_resisting.officer_id, num_resisting.count/num_uof.count uofdensity FROM " "(SELECT use_of_force.officer_id, COUNT(use_of_force.officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.use_of_force " "WHERE staging.use_of_force.in_response_to_resisting_arrest is true " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by use_of_force.officer_id) num_resisting " "full outer join " "(SELECT officer_id, COUNT(officer_id)::float " "FROM staging.events_hub " "WHERE event_type_code = 7 " "AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " "AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " "GROUP by officer_id) num_uof " "ON num_resisting.officer_id = num_uof.officer_id " ") AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfUnjustifiedUsesOfForceOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Taser dart or stun", 1: "Firearm", 2: "Canine", 3: "Pepper spray", 4: "Any other use of force" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of uses of unjustified force by type, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT events_hub.officer_id, count(events_hub.officer_id) FROM " "( SELECT incidents.event_id, use_of_force_type_code " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " INNER JOIN staging.incidents " " ON use_of_force.event_id = incidents.event_id " " WHERE number_of_unjustified_allegations >0 ) " "AS unjustified_force " "INNER JOIN staging.events_hub " "ON unjustified_force.event_id=events_hub.event_id " " WHERE unjustified_force.use_of_force_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY events_hub.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class UnjustUOFInterventionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Counseling", 2: "Training", 3: "Suspension", 4: "Termination", 5: "Reprimand", 6: "Loss of vacation", 7: "No intervention required" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of interventions of type X following an unjustified force, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) FROM " "( SELECT incidents.event_id, intervention_type_code " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " INNER JOIN staging.incidents " " ON use_of_force.event_id = incidents.event_id " " WHERE number_of_unjustified_allegations >0 ) " "AS unjustified_force " "INNER JOIN staging.events_hub " "ON unjustified_force.event_id=events_hub.event_id " " WHERE unjustified_force.intervention_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class UOFInterventionsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Counseling", 2: "Training", 3: "Suspension", 4: "Termination", 5: "Reprimand", 6: "Loss of vacation", 7: "No intervention required" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of interventions of type X following any use of force, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) FROM " "( SELECT incidents.event_id, intervention_type_code " " FROM staging.use_of_force " " INNER JOIN staging.incidents " " ON use_of_force.event_id = incidents.event_id ) " "AS any_force " "INNER JOIN staging.events_hub " "ON any_force.event_id=events_hub.event_id " " WHERE any_force.intervention_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class PreventableAccidents(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of preventable accidents an officer has had, time-gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents" " WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code=0 " " AND staging.incidents.number_of_preventable_allegations > 0" # NB!: does not account for multiple accidents that occurred at the same event " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
# ===================================== # = Features related to traffic stops = # =====================================
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStops(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code=1 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithSearch(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where a search occurred") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.searched_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithUseOfForce(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where force was used") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.use_of_force_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithArrest(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where an arrest was made") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.arrest_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithInjury(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where a driver or passenger was injured") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.injuries_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithOfficerInjury(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where the officer was injured") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.officer_injury_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsWithSearchRequest(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The number of traffic stops an officer has made where the officer requested consent for a search") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.search_consent_request_flag=true " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfTrafficStopsWithSearchRequest(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("The fraction of traffic stops an officer has made where the officer requested consent for a search") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(search_consent_request_flag) as total, sum(search_consent_request_flag::INT) as count" " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsByRace(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "unknown", 1: "black", 2: "white", 3: "american_indian", 4: "asian", 5: "pacific_islander", 6: "other", 7: "mixed" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stops made by race, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.stopped_person_race_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsByStopType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'investigative', 1: 'dwi', 2: 'parking_violation', 3: 'safety_violation', 4: 'regulatory_violation', 5: 'seatbelt_violation', 6: 'moving_violation', 7: 'equipment_violation', 8: 'checkpoint', 9: 'other' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stops made by the type of stop, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.stop_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsByStopResult(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'Arrest', 1: 'Citation', 2: 'Verbal warning', 3: 'Written warning', 4: 'Nothing' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stops made by the stop outcome, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.stop_outcome_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsBySearchReason(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'Consent', 1: 'Prob Cause', 2: 'Frisk', 3: 'Arrest', 4: 'Warrent' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stop searches made by the search justification, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.search_justification_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfTrafficStopsBySearchReason(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'Consent', 1: 'Prob Cause', 2: 'Frisk', 3: 'Arrest', 4: 'Warrent' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stop searches made by the search justification, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) as total, sum((search_justification_code = {4})::INT) as count" " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.searched_flag " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfTrafficStopsByInterestingSearch(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # This is a bit of a hack of the categorical officer feature to simply look up interesting* words # (* as deemed interesting by the 2015 team) self.categories = { 'crime': 'crime', 'suspicious': 'suspicious', 'marijuana': 'marijuana', 'consent': 'consent', 'all my stops': 'all my stops', 'area': 'area', 'drug': 'drug' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of traffic stop searches made by interesting words in the search justification narrative, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id)" " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE staging.traffic_stops.search_justification_narrative like '%%{4}%%' " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class FractionOfTrafficStopsByInterestingSearch(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # This is a bit of a hack of the categorical officer feature to simply look up interesting* words # (* as deemed interesting by the 2015 team) self.categories = { 'crime': 'crime', 'suspicious': 'suspicious', 'marijuana': 'marijuana', 'consent': 'consent', 'all my stops': 'all my stops', 'area': 'area', 'drug': 'drug' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Fraction of traffic stop searches made by interesting words in the search justification narrative, time-gated periods") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count::FLOAT / " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(search_justification_narrative) as total, sum((search_justification_narrative like '%%{4}%%')::INT) as count" " FROM staging.traffic_stops" " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
############################################### ##### Features for threshold-based EIS modeled ##### on CMPD's old EIS system ###############################################
[docs]class DummyThresholdAccidentFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 2 accidents in the past 180 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(grouped_incident_type_code) >= 2 as flag FROM staging.incidents WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (0,7) AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '180 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdUOFFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 3 UOF incidents in the past 90 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(grouped_incident_type_code) >= 3 as flag FROM staging.incidents WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code = 20 AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '90 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdComplaintFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 3 accidents in the past 180 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT incidents.officer_id, count(origination_type_code) >= 3 as flag FROM staging.incidents WHERE staging.incidents.origination_type_code in (0) -- this might also need to include type 1 AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '180 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY incidents.officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdSickLeaveFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 3 sick leave days in the past 120 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(shift_type_code) >= 3 as flag FROM staging.officer_shifts WHERE officer_shifts.shift_type_code in (4, 13, 16, 28, 29) AND start_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND start_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '90 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdInjuryFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 2 injuries in the past 180 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(grouped_incident_type_code) >= 2 as flag FROM staging.incidents WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (11) AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '180 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdPursuitsFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 2 pursuits in the past 180 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(grouped_incident_type_code) >= 2 as flag FROM staging.incidents WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (13) AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '180 days' AND officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DummyThresholdCombinedFlag(abstract.OfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.OfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Flag if there have been more than 5 incidents or sick days in the past 180 days") self.query = (""" UPDATE features.{0} feature_table SET {1} = staging_table.flag::int FROM ( SELECT incidents.officer_id, count(grouped_incident_type_code) >= 5 as flag FROM staging.incidents inner join staging.officer_shifts on incidents.officer_id = officer_shifts.officer_id WHERE ( staging.incidents.origination_type_code in (0) or staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (11) or staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (0,7) or staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code in (13) or staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code = 20 or officer_shifts.shift_type_code in (4, 13, 16, 28, 29) ) AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '180 days' AND incidents.officer_id IS NOT null GROUP BY incidents.officer_id ) AS staging_table WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """.format(self.table_name, self.feature_name, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class DispatchTypeCount(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0 : '911', 2: 'theft', 3: 'domestic_disturb', 4: 'person_wweapon', 5: 'assault', 6: 'shooting', 7: 'suicide', 8: 'kidnap', 9: 'disorder', 10: 'rape_related', 11: 'safety_hazard', 12: 'want_officer', 13: 'criminal_vice', 14: 'intoxicated', 15: 'missing_person', 16: 'prisioner_escapee', 17: 'gang_activity', 18: 'injury', 19: 'riot', 20: 'suspucious', 21: 'stabbing', 22: 'other' } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of dispatches of different type aggregated over time") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.dispatches " " WHERE dispatch_type_code = {4} " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class PriorSustainedUnknownMajorAllegationsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of prior sustained unknown major allegations per officer, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}'" " AND (grouped_incident_type_code in ( 0, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 20 ) " " AND final_ruling_code in (0, 1, 4, 5 ))" " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table" " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id" " AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION)) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class PriorMajorAllegationsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of prior major allegations per officer, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}'" " AND (grouped_incident_type_code in ( 0, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 20 )) " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table" " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id" " AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION)) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class PriorSustainedUnkownMinorAllegationsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of prior sustained unknown minor allegations per officer, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}'" " AND (grouped_incident_type_code in ( 1, 6, 16, 18, 12, 7, 14 ) " " AND final_ruling_code in (0, 1, 4, 5 ))" " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table" " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id" " AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION)) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class PriorMinorAllegationsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of prior minor allegations per officer, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}'" " AND (grouped_incident_type_code in ( 1, 6, 16, 18, 12, 7, 14 )) " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table" " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id" " AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION)) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumOfUnjustifiedUsesOfForce(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of unjustified use of force, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " " SET {1} = staging_table.count" " FROM (SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id)" " FROM staging.incidents " " WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code = 20 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " AND number_of_unjustified_allegations > 0 " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class CountComplaintsTypeSource(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 1 : 'internal', 2 : 'external'} abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of complaints by type an officer had, time gated") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.count """ """FROM ( SELECT incidents.officer_id, count(incidents.officer_id) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN staging.incidents """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = incidents.event_id""" """ WHERE event_type_code = 6 """ """ AND incidents.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date """ """ AND incidents.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' """ """ AND origination_type_code = {4} """ """ GROUP BY incidents.officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ """AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date """ .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ComplaintsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of complaints an officer had, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT officer_id, count(officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code = 6 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class SustainedComplaintsCount(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of complaints an officer had, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT incidents.officer_id, count(incidents.officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub " " JOIN staging.incidents " " ON staging.events_hub.event_id = staging.incidents.event_id " " WHERE events_hub.event_type_code=6 " " AND events_hub.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND events_hub.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " AND final_ruling_code in (1,4,5) " " GROUP BY incidents.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfComplaintsOfType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: 'accident', 1: 'appearance', 2: 'bias_or_profiling', 3: 'chain_of_command', 4: 'conditions_of_employment', 5: 'conformance_to_rules', 6: 'courtesy_and_behaviour', 7: 'equipment', 8: 'gift_policy', 9: 'handling_of_civilians', 10: 'harassment_or_intimidation', 11: 'officer_injury', 12: 'promptness_or_absence', 13: 'pursuit', 14: 'quality_of_work', 15: 'raid', 16: 'standard_procedures', 17: 'substance_abuse', 18: 'traffic_laws', 19: 'unknown', 20: 'use_of_force'} abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Complaint type categorical feature, time gated") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT incidents.officer_id, count(incidents.officer_id) " " FROM staging.incidents " " INNER JOIN staging.events_hub" " ON incidents.event_id = events_hub.event_id" " WHERE staging.incidents.grouped_incident_type_code = {4} " " AND event_type_code=6 " " AND events_hub.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND events_hub.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY incidents.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date" .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgArrestDemographics_1(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"median_household_income": "income", "unemployment_rate": "unemployment", "family_count_poverty_all_families": "family_poverty", "family_count_poverty_female_no_husband_families": "family_poverty_nhusband", "population_median_age": "age"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2} """ """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date))) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg({2}) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 3 """ """ AND event_datetime <= '{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgArrestDemographics_2(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"race_count_black": "race_black", "race_count_white": "race_white", "race_count_native_american": "race_native_american", "race_count_asian": "race_asian", "population_count_male": "male"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2}/(population_count*1.0) as var """ """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date)) """ """ AND population_count > 5 ) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg(var) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 3 """ """ AND event_datetime <= '{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgDispatchDemographics_1(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"median_household_income": "income", "unemployment_rate": "unemployment", "family_count_poverty_all_families": "family_poverty", "family_count_poverty_female_no_husband_families": "family_poverty_nhusband", "population_median_age": "age"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2} """ """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date))) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg({2}) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 5 """ """ AND event_datetime <= '{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgDispatchDemographics_2(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"race_count_black": "race_black", "race_count_white": "race_white", "race_count_native_american": "race_native_american", "race_count_asian": "race_asian", "population_count_male": "male"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2}/(population_count*1.0) as var""" """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date)) """ """ AND population_count > 5) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg(var) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 5 """ """ AND event_datetime <= '{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgStopsDemographics_1(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"median_household_income": "income", "unemployment_rate": "unemployment", "family_count_poverty_all_families": "family_poverty", "family_count_poverty_female_no_husband_families": "family_poverty_nhusband", "population_median_age": "age"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2} """ """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date))) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg({2}) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 1 """ """ AND event_datetime <='{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class OfficerAvgStopsDemographics_2(abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = {"race_count_black": "race_black", "race_count_white": "race_white", "race_count_native_american": "race_native_american", "race_count_asian": "race_asian", "population_count_male": "male"} abstract.CategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Average demographics of arrests for each officer") self.query = ("""UPDATE features.{0} feature_table """ """SET {1} = staging_table.avg """ """FROM ( """ """ WITH acs_demo as ( """ """ SELECT event_id, {2}/(population_count*1.0) as var""" """ FROM staging.events_geoid as g """ """ JOIN staging.acs_demographics as d """ """ ON g.geoid = d.acs_area_id """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) = """ """ (SELECT max(extract(year from valid_end_date)) """ """ FROM staging.acs_demographics """ """ WHERE extract(year from valid_end_date) < extract(year from '{3}'::date)) """ """ AND population_count > 5) """ """ SELECT officer_id, avg(var) """ """ FROM staging.events_hub """ """ JOIN acs_demo """ """ ON events_hub.event_id = acs_demo.event_id """ """ WHERE event_type_code = 1 """ """ AND event_datetime <= '{3}'::date """ """ GROUP BY officer_id """ """ ) AS staging_table """ """WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id """ .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.LOOKUPCODE, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format))) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class ComplimentsToComplaintsRatio(abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): abstract.TimeGatedOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Ratio of internal compliments to complaints and officer has") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.ratio " "FROM ( " " WITH compliments as ( " " SELECT e.officer_id, COUNT(e.officer_id)::float as num_compliments " " FROM staging.events_hub as e " " JOIN staging.officer_compliments as c " " ON e.event_id = c.event_id " " WHERE event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY e.officer_id), " " complaints as ( " " SELECT officer_id, COUNT(officer_id)::float as num_complaints " " FROM staging.events_hub " " WHERE event_type_code = 6 " " AND event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY officer_id )" " SELECT compliments.officer_id, num_compliments/num_complaints as ratio " " FROM compliments " " FULL OUTER JOIN complaints " " ON compliments.officer_id = complaints.officer_id) AS staging_table " " WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " .format(self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfDispatchInitiatiationType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 'CI': "civilians initiated", 'OI': "officer initated", 'AL': "alarm" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of dispatches by type of initation") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT d.officer_id, count(d.officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub as e" " JOIN staging.dispatches as d" " ON d.event_id = e.event_id " " WHERE dispatch_category = '{4}' " " AND e.event_type_code = 5 " " AND e.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND e.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY d.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True
[docs]class NumberOfInterviewType(abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.categories = { 0: "field interviews", 1: "terry stops", 2: "home" } abstract.TimeGatedCategoricalOfficerFeature.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.description = ("Number of interviews by type time window") self.query = ("UPDATE features.{0} feature_table " "SET {1} = staging_table.count " "FROM ( SELECT i.officer_id, count(i.officer_id) " " FROM staging.events_hub as e" " JOIN staging.field_interviews as i" " ON i.event_id = e.event_id " " WHERE field_interview_type_code = {4} " " AND e.event_type_code = 2 " " AND e.event_datetime <= '{2}'::date " " AND e.event_datetime >= '{2}'::date - interval '{3}' " " GROUP BY i.officer_id " " ) AS staging_table " "WHERE feature_table.officer_id = staging_table.officer_id " "AND feature_table.as_of_date = '{2}'::date " .format( self.table_name, self.COLUMN, self.as_of_date.strftime(time_format), self.DURATION, self.LOOKUPCODE )) self.set_null_counts_to_zero = True